“Turn on internet connection please, I will send some emails. It’s very urgent situation.”
“I’m happy… I found many old friends through social media. Thanks to modern technology.”
Hey there! Who doesn't love the convenience of the internet? It's like having a genie in our personal computers and phones! With just a few clicks, we can buy our hearts' desires, email colleagues, share good news with friends on social media, and oh-so-much more.
I'm swept up in the euphoric feeling of being able to connect with anyone, anywhere, thanks to the internet. But, after many years of virtual chitchat, I noticed something was missing. Where were all my dear friends? Where were those sweet messages that warmed my heart when I needed them most? What happens when the connection drops?
Ah, reminiscing about the good old days when I was a pen pal extraordinaire! Back in the final year of elementary school, I was the letter queen, scribbling away to my pals. I can still feel that rush of excitement every time I tore open a new letter, eager to soak up every word. Those precious notes always brought a smile to my face, warming my heart with their kind words.
Caught in the humdrum of work, it hits me: I need a little something to spice up my life. I'm not talking about the same old internet chats that get lost in a sea of notifications. I want to get some genuine, heartwarming messages that will truly put a smile on my face. So, in this age of modern technology, what's the secret to finding those real messages of happiness?
Sure, social media is a great way to reconnect with old buds, but I don't just want to stick to the same old crew. I'm on the hunt for new pals to join me on my quest to explore every nook and cranny of this big, beautiful world. Sadly, jet-setting to far-off lands isn't always in the cards for me, but that won't stop me from dreaming and discovering. I mean, sure, I can drool over stunning pics on Google all day long, but nothing beats the thrill of experiencing it for yourself with a friend by your side.
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Postcard from Guyana |
I'm a "people-person" who loves to swap tales, even with new faces. After a long day of juggling work and home, I unwind by scribbling postcards. But, my postcard party got a turbo boost when I stumbled upon a web service that sends me surprise cards from all over the world! From France to Finland, and even Guyana! I mean, who knew I'd ever get a postcard from Guyana? It's like a thrill ride that never gets old, and it makes me happier than a kid in a candy store!
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Postcard from Malaysia |
In my homeland, Indonesia, there are heaps of fellow postcrossers. We use social media to connect with each other and even swap cards! But, get this, I was blown away when a postcard from Indonesia arrived via web portal services. It's a small world after all! Postcards have the power to bring us together, no matter where we're from or who's sending them.
Let's sprinkle some joy by sending postcards to all and sundry! Let's savor the nostalgic thrill of exchanging handwritten notes, with a modern twist.
Hats off to modern technology for bringing us online postcard-swapping hubs like Postcrossing and Postcard United, where postcard enthusiasts can connect and spread a little joy.
Tulisannya apik tenan :) dan aku baru tahu tentang Postcard united ini. Makasih sudah berbagi mbak Uniek ^^
ReplyDeleteSama2 Mas Yayan... ini ya mirip bgt sama postcrossing, lupa dulu nemunya gimana trus ikutan aja gitu
DeleteKeren, Mbak Uniek. jempol. ira
ReplyDeleteopone sing keren mba hihiii... suwun lho ya udah dijempoli :*
Deletemak unik jago bahasa enggreeees....
ReplyDeleteLaaahh...ga tau apa ya gugeltrensletnya dipantengin terus itu maaak ;)
DeleteI have joined with Postcard United... :-)
ReplyDeleteHope someday it will come the time when both of us send the postcard each other
Deletei will then join this as well...post crossing is fuuuun...
ReplyDeleteindeed :*
Deleteeh baru nyadar taunya tulisan mba uun, kereen! aku dulu sma juga suka tuker2an berkirim postcard, tapi setelah itu ga lagi xD
ReplyDeleteUnik2 ya kartu pos dari tiap negara itu. Bikin bersemangat ngirim dan nunggu balasan
ReplyDeletewaaa seruu, seandainya jaman aku dulu SMA pas rajin koleksi kartu pos dan perangko ada grup beginian ya
ReplyDeleteYang disenangi punya teman lintas negara adalah, ketika berkabar bisa kirim postcard, jadinya kece gitu punya postcard dari berbagai negara ya
ReplyDeleteTeman dari berbagai negara rasanya sudah ikut menjelajahi tempat-tempat yang mereka kunjungi ya mba, apalagi jika berbagi melalui postcard. Senangnya bertahan luamaaaa.
ReplyDeleteSocial media bisa menjangkau lebih banyak pertemanan. Tapi, tetap ada sesuatu yang asik dari kirim postcard. Pengen banget bisa aktif kirim-kiriman lagi. Sekarang masih mager hehhee
ReplyDeleteAah, it's so nice to know that you have the same passion as someone at far away...
ReplyDeleteWhile looking at the amazing of each postcard received, while also imagining, what the character of our pen friend is like.
What a great activity Postcrossing.
Yes indeed...
DeleteBetul setuju banget mbak kalau sosial media gak bisa menggantikan komunikasi old hehe. Apalagi kalau surat2 an saling kirim surat.
ReplyDeleteRasa kangen dan nunggu ya itu yang membuat suasana romantics hehe.
Cuma aku sekarang udah gk ada temen surat2 an nih semuanya terkoneksi di chat wa😂
Makanya aku kirimnya postcard bukan ke teman yg chat di WA 😁
DeleteTulisannya keren. Tadinya kupikir ini tulisan fiksi karena diksinya sangat indah, ternya bukan. Saya suka dengan gayanya seperti mengungkapkan aliran rasa.
ReplyDeleteTerima kasih, Bu Dawiah
DeleteSenang banget pastinya bisa punya banyak teman di luar negeri yang berhobi sama, yakni bertukar postcard. Aku dulu pernah suka, dan dapat beberapa dari luar negeri. Tapinya mandek dan berhenti deh.
ReplyDeleteWuiihhh, salut sama teman-teman yang masih setia berkirim kartu post di masa sekarang.
ReplyDeleteTapi jujur, rasa happy berkirim postcards itu memang nggak bisa digantikan apapun ya. Masih ingat banget dulu, gimana deg-degannya menunggu balasan, setelah mengirim kartu post ke teman-teman bahkan di luar negeri :D
Aku jadi inget, dulu saat remaja dan belum ada teknologi internet ya, jaman-jaman SMP, aku suka banget deh koleksi postcard. Pas SMA aku dikasih temen yang di Jepang poscard seri Leonardo Dicaprio, dan sekarang aku baru tahu tentang Postcard united ini.
ReplyDeleteWah ternyata bisa dapatin postcard dari berbagai negara dengan takaran post card ya mbak
ReplyDeleteAsyik nih kalau bisa gabung di grup atau komunitas apalagi bisa dapat postcard dari negara tertentu dan tentunya mendapat teman baru
Swap postcard ternyata seru juga ya. Kalo aku selama ini juga sih ngikut di komunitas swap tapi khusus printilan jurnaling. Sesekali ada juga yang nyelipin postcard sama cerita mengenai postcardnya. Jadi tambah pengetahuan lho kegiatan begini.
ReplyDeleteWiiyy seru ini mbak, tukeran pernak-pernik journaling 😍
DeleteWah sekarang bisa saling tukar kartu pos lewat online. Seru banget pasti. Kaya nostalgia gitu ya, Mbak.
ReplyDeleteAku dulu pas kecil udah nggak zaman tukeran postcard soalnya udah ada HP. Wkwk
Ngirimnya tetap lewat kantor, dapet kenalannya aja yg via online.
DeleteWah ternyata ada komunitas postcard ya, kalau dulu kita berkirim surat dan dapat postcard lewat pos nah kalau sekarang untuk bertukar postcard gitu bisa langsung dari komunitasnya itu ya?
ReplyDeleteYa tetap ngirimnya lewat kantor pos, mbak. Caranya masih sama.
DeleteKereeenn Mbak, jadi bisa sekalian mengenal negara lain ya, kebudayaan dan kebiasaan hidup mereka di sana.
ReplyDeleteMeski udah ada internet yang bisa serba mudah dapat informasi dan sebagainya tapi postcoring ini masih tetap eksis ya :)
Wah baru tahu mba unik kolektor postcard. Seru juga ya ngalamin rasa antusias ketika menerima kiriman postcard dari teman di luar negeri. Aku jujur blm pernah :D
ReplyDeleteHayuuukk mau kukirimi kartu pos kah?